Friday, October 19, 2018

Seven principles of microservices architectures

1. Modeled around the business domain

The emphasis in microservices design is on the business domain, not technical architecture. Thus, the quantum reflects the bounded context. Some developers make the mistaken association that a bounded context represents a single entity such as Customer; instead, it represents a business context and/or workflow such as CatalogCheckout.

The goal in microservices isn’t to see how small developers can make each service but rather to create a useful bounded context.

2. Hide implementation details

The technical architecture in microservices is encapsulated within the service boundary, which is based on the business domain. Each domain forms a physical bounded context. Services integrate with each other by passing messages or resources, not by exposing details like database schemas.

The main goals of microservices are isolation of domains via physical bounded context and emphasis on understanding the problem domain. Therefore, the architectural quantum is the service, making this an excellent example of an evolutionary architecture. If one service needs to evolve to change its database, no other service is affected because no other service is allowed to know implementation details like schemas. Of course, the developers of the changing service will have to deliver the same information via the integration point between the services (hopefully protected by a fitness function like consumer-driven contracts), allowing the calling service developers the bliss of never knowing the change occurred.

3. Highly decentralized

Microservices form a share-nothing architecture—the goal is to decrease coupling as much as possible. Generally, duplication is preferable to coupling. For example, both the CatalogCheckout and ShipToCustomer services have a concept called Item. Because both teams have the same name and similar properties, developers try to reuse it across both services, thinking it will save time and effort. Instead, it increases effort because changes must now propagate between all the teams that share the component. And, whenever a service changes, developers must worry about changes to the shared component. If, on the other hand, each service has their own Item and passes information they need from Catalog Checkout to ShipToCustomer without coupling to the component, they can each change independently.

“Share nothing” and appropriate coupling

Architects often call microservices a “share nothing” architecture. The primary advantage of this architecture style is no coupling at the technical architecture layer. But people who decry coupling are usually talking about “inappropriate coupling.” After all, a software system with no coupling isn’t very capable. “Share nothing” really means “no entangling coupling points.” Even in microservices, some things need to be shared and coordinated, such as tools, frameworks, libraries, and so on. For instance, logging, monitoring, service discovery, etc. A service team forgetting to add monitoring capabilities to their service is a disaster at deployment time. In a microservices architecture, if a service can’t be monitored, it disappears into a black hole. Service templates (such as DropWizard and Spring Boot) are common solutions to this problem in microservices. These frameworks allow a DevOps team to build consistent tools, frameworks, versions, etc., into the service template. Service teams use the template to “snap in” their business behavior. When the monitoring tool updates, the service team can coordinate the update to the service template without bothering other teams.

Appropriate coupling

Microservices architectures typically have two kinds of coupling: integration and service template. Integration coupling is obvious—services need to call each other to pass information. The other type of coupling, service templates, prevents harmful duplication. Developers and operations benefit if a variety of facilities are consistent and managed within microservices. For example, each service needs to include monitoring, logging, authentication/authorization, and other “plumbing” capabilities. If left to the responsibility of each service team, ensuring compliance and lifecycle management like upgrades will likely suffer. By defining the appropriate technical architecture coupling points in service templates, an infrastructure team can manage that coupling while freeing individual service teams from worrying about it. Domain teams merely extend the template and write their behavior. When upgrades to infrastructure changes, the template picks it up automatically during the next deployment pipeline execution. The physical bounded context in microservices correlates exactly to our concept of architectural quantum—it is a physically decoupled deployable component with high functional cohesion.

4. Culture of automation

Microservices architectures embrace Continuous Delivery, by using deployment pipelines to rigorously test code and automate tasks like machine provisioning and deployment. Automated testing in particular is extremely useful in fast changing environments.

Each service forms a bounded context around a domain concept, making it easy to make changes that only affect that context. Microservices architectures rely heavily on automation practices from Continuous Delivery, utilizing deployment pipelines and modern DevOps practices.

5. Deployed independently

Developers and operations expect that each service component will be deployed independently from other services (and other infrastructure), reflecting the physical manifestation of the bounded context. The ability for developers to deploy one service without affecting any other service is one of the defining benefits of this architectural style. Moreover, developers typically automate all deployment and operations tasks, including parallel testing and Continuous Delivery.

One of the key principles of the microservices style of architecture is strict partitioning across domain-bounded contexts. The technical architecture is embedded within the domain parts, honoring DDD’s bounded context principle by making each service physically separate, which leads to a share nothing architecture from the technical perspective. Physical separation is expected for each service, allowing easy replacement and evolution. Because each microservice embeds the technical architecture within the bounded context, any service may evolve in any way necessary. Thus, the dimensions of evolvability for microservices corresponds to the number of services, each of which developers can treat independently because each service is highly decoupled.

6. Isolate failure

Developers isolate failure both within the context of a microservices and in the coordination of services. Each service is expected to handle reasonable error scenarios and recover if possible. Many DevOps best practices (such as the circuit breaker pattern, bulkheads, and so on) commonly appear in these architectures. Many microservices architectures adhere to the Reactive Manifesto, a list of operational and coordination principles that lead to more robust systems.

7. Highly observable

Developers cannot hope to manually monitor hundreds or thousands of services (how many multicast SSH terminal sessions can one developer observe?). Thus, monitoring and logging become first-class concerns in this architecture. If operations cannot monitor one of these services, it might as well not exist.

Each service has a well-defined boundary, allowing a variety of levels of testing within the service components. Services must coordinate via integration, which also requires testing. Fortunately, sophisticated testing techniques grew alongside the development of microservices.

book: Building Evolutionary Architectures pages 70-73

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